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Developing Skills And Confidence To Achieve Their Full Potential | Brainstorm Rehabilitation

Developing skills and confidence to achieve their full potential.

Paediatric rehabilitation is about building strength, refining function and inspiring children to increase their skills and confidence to achieve their full potential. 

Some therapy examples include: 

1. Rest! Let your brain and body recover with rest. Yes, turn the alarm off for a morning or two. Roll over and sleep in! It is identified that the brain repairs and regenerates during sleep. 

2. Be social! Most kids are naturally social. However, social interaction is found to be a fundamental quality of limiting an ageing brain. Forming new and fostering past social communications is supportive of brain health. This does not mean the “digital” social interactions. For the kids maybe try a sleepover, catch up at the park or down the beach. 

3. Keep moving! The brain needs the body to move. If you do not move…the brain gets sick. The activity can be simple things like walking the dog, swing on the swings at the park or swim at the beach. Don't make it too complicated…just move. 

4. Switch off! In our modern digital classrooms, there are plenty of hours dedicated to electronic devices. Why not “detox” from devices over the weekend, during holidays or of an evening. There are many advantages to switching off or reducing the home device usage. 

5. S-T-R-E-T-C-H! With similar benefits to exercise and movement, stretching also provides excellent protection and growth for the brain. In fact, the connection between stretching and brain function is very direct and impacting. Routine daily stretches can have a positive impact on brain health. 

6. You are what you eat! Not really, but kids should really avoid sugars. Sugars can disturb brain growth as the digestion can lead to a toxic inflammatory reaction. Stick to whole foods and portion the calorie intake to the volume of daily activity provided. 

7. Drink water! It's a pretty simple message isn’t it. The brain survives on water. Without adequate amounts of water, brain function can drop. Drink more water. 

8. Your brain is a sensory radar! Constantly, your brain is receiving various sensory inputs- sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Biasing this input can promote really good brain activity. Playing various style of music while eyes are closed, or stroking your feet with a hard and soft brush, or swiveling on a bar stool are just some examples. 

9. Give more! The human brain is found to be unique as it is wired for growth with unconditional love. Spend some time each week or day and give to someone. Maybe voluntary soup kitchen, tidy the local park, walk the neighbours dog or visit a seniors village or community.  

10. Learn a new skill or activity! Learn to ride a scooter, learn to surf, learn to cook or learn a new language. When learning a new skill, different regions of the brain are rewarded and weaker areas are rested. Also, achieving a new task will flood the brain with protective chemicals to help growth and repair.

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Developing skills and confidence to achieve their full potential.